The first Action Circle Cycle, held 7/18-8/8/2020, focused on the topic of Transforming Education. Members can earn a total of 8 CEUs by viewing the video for the gathering and responding to the questions related to the specific objectives for each component of the Action Circle Process.
Gathering 1: Setting Intentions (1.5 CEUs) 1. Describe behavioral principles related to the process of “Setting Intentions” to establish the questions to be addressed for the cycle. 2. Describe the social significance of “Setting Intentions” as the first step before engaging in conversations related to complex social challenges. 3. Reflect upon the potential application of this process to your life.
Gathering 2: Exploring Possibilities (2 CEUs) 1. Describe behavioral principles related to the process of “Exploring Possibilities” in relation to the questions established for the cycle. 2. Describe the social significance of “Exploring Possibilities” as the second step of engaging in conversations related to complex social challenges. 3. Reflect upon the potential application of this process to your life.
Gathering 3: Making Decisions (2 CEUs) 1. Describe behavioral principles related to the process of “Making Decisions” to identify specific actions to effect change. 2. Describe the social significance of “Making Decisions” as the third step of engaging in conversations related to complex social challenges. 3. Reflect upon the potential application of this process to your life.
Gathering 4: Taking Action (2.5 CEUs) 1. Describe behavioral principles related to the process of “Taking Action” to commit to actions on the individual and collective level. 2. Describe the social significance of “Taking Action” as the final step of engaging in conversations related to complex social challenges. 3. Reflect upon the potential application of this process to your life.
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